
Business Law - 5231

This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1.0 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 36


Graduate Diploma of Business Law

Graduate Diploma of Business Law (Specialisation)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

This program is not accepting new enrollments. If you are a continuing student please refer to the Online Handbook in the year you started your degree or contact the Faculty of Law for advice.
The Graduate Diploma in Business Law is a coursework program for graduates with non-law or quasi-legal backgrounds wishing to attain postgraduate qualifications and knowledge of the law relevant to business. The program is of relevance to those involved in the private, commercial, government or international sectors where business law issues are relevant to their employment such as finance, accounting, compliance, human resources and marketing professionals. It is also a valuable qualification for students seeking careers in those fields where knowledge of legal requirements is an advantage.

The GradDipBL may be undertaken full-time over 1 academic year or on a part-time basis. The GradDipBL is comprised of 6 courses. All students are required to undertake three compulsory courses and 3 electives.

The GradDipBL provides graduates with access to a range of business law courses that allows for a program that can be tailored to the graduates needs.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

The Program Objectives for the Graduate Diploma in Business Law are:
  • To provide non-lawyers with a core understanding of legal issues relevant to business
  • To combine the course offerings from UNSW Law and School of Business Law and Taxation to provide a range of electives and majors that allow students to tailor the degree to their own needs and interests
  • To facilitate understanding of the inter-relationship between law and business including the effects of globalisation, international law, technological developments and regulation
  • To facilitate the acquisition of skills in the areas of legal research, writing, regulatory compliance and dispute resolution

Program Structure

Candidates must complete 36 units of credit (uoc) for the Graduate Diploma of Business Law and each course is worth 6uoc.

For the GradDipBL there are three compulsory courses:
  1. TABL5511 Legal Foundations of Business (6 UOC)
  2. TABL5541 Corporations and Business Associations Law (6 UOC)
  3. LAWS8072 Legal Concepts, Research and Writing for Business Law (6 UOC)
Note: students who have previously undertaken University legal studies, including TABL1710 Business and the Law and TABL2741 Business Entities at UNSW (or equivalents at other institutions) may apply to undertake elective subjects in place of the subjects in items 1 and 2.

The Enrolment Guide for the Graduate Diploma in Business Law can be found on the UNSW Law Website.

The following electives are available for credit towards the Graduate Diploma in Business Law.

Not all electives are available every year or each semester and unless otherwise indicated, each course is 6 uoc. Other courses may be added as new courses are developed and changed.
Individual postgraduate courses from other faculties to be added to the list by the Program Convenor, after consultation with the appropriate Faculty.

A student may seek authorisation from the program Director/s or the Coordinator of Postgraduate Education to undertake a Postgraduate course not listed above.

Academic Rules

The degree of Master/Graduate Diploma of Business Law by formal coursework may be awarded by the Council to a candidate who has satisfactorily completed a program of advanced study.

(1) A candidate for the degree shall have been awarded an appropriate non-law Bachelor degree from UNSW Australia or a qualification considered equivalent from another university or tertiary institution with a minimum of credit average, or

(2) A candidate for the degree shall have been awarded an appropriate non-law Bachelor degree from UNSW Australia or a qualification considered equivalent from another university or tertiary institution with a minimum of two years' relevant professional experience.

Advanced standing

At the discretion of the Faculty of Law advanced standing may be granted for approved postgraduate courses up to an amount of 12 units of credit.

Enrolment and Progression
  1. An application to enrol as a candidate for the degree shall be lodged online on the UNSW website, by the advertised due date.

    A candidate for the degree shall be required to undertake a program of formal study as set out in the program requirements for the Graduate Diploma of Business Law.

    No candidate shall be awarded the degree until the lapse of two academic semesters from the date of enrolment in the case of a full-time candidate or three semesters in the case of a part-time candidate. The maximum period of candidature shall be four academic semesters from the date of enrolment for a full-time candidate and eight semesters for a part-time candidate. In special cases an extension of these times may be granted by the Committee. The progress of a candidate shall be reviewed at least once annually by the Committee and as a result of the review the Committee may cancel enrolment or take such other action, as it considers appropriate.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

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9231 Business Law

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